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Important! Here are 5 reasons why visa applications are rejected, here's how to overcome them

NOBARTV NEWS Have you planned a holiday abroad but didn't make it because your visa was rejected?

This incident seems to have become a frightening threat for Indonesians who want to apply for a visa.

Because quite a few people have had their visas rejected and are forced to cancel their trips abroad.

Of course you don't want that to happen, right? Especially if you have been dreaming of traveling to your dream country.

In this article, we will discuss several things that are usually the reasons why visa applications are rejected.

By knowing these things, we hope you can avoid them when applying for a visa.

5 Reasons Why Visa Applications Are Rejected

The following are several things that are often the reason why visa applications are rejected, make sure you avoid them.

1. The quality of the uploaded documents is not good

The first thing you need to avoid when applying for a visa is poor or blurry document quality.

Make sure all required documents are uploaded in the best quality and clearly so that the immigration authorities can read them properly.

Even though it seems trivial, this is actually an important consideration whether your visa is approved or not.

When uploading documents on the immigration website, you will see the size and type of documents required.

So, so that the uploaded documents don't blur, you have to use a special application to compress the documents.

2. Not including a travel itinerary

Usually, if you want to apply for a visa to a Schengen country, you will be required to include a travel itinerary.

The itinerary here is in the form of a travel plan from departure to return to Indonesia.

Because, the itinerary here is also useful for determining which countries you have to apply for a visa for.

For example, the first country to land and which country will be the main destination.

Therefore, it is very important for you to write down your travel itinerary in detail from start to finish.

In fact, you also have to include the hotel where you will stay, the tourist destination, the transportation you will use, and so on.

3. Not Having Travel Insurance

This is one of the things that is often one of the reasons why visa applications are rejected.

Because, many people are still reluctant to use travel insurance when they want to travel abroad.

In fact, with travel insurance, your vacation time will be safer and protected from various risks.

In fact, there are several insurance providers that offer visa application refunds if they are rejected.

So you don't need to worry about spending a lot of money traveling abroad.

Because all bad risks that might occur will be borne by the insurance provider.

4. Damaged or Inactive Passport

If the passport you have is damaged, then you should get a new passport.

Because this is also one of the reasons why visas are rejected.

Not only that, also make sure that the active period of the passport is no less than 6 months before the active period ends.

So before planning a holiday abroad, first make sure your passport is still good and active.

5. Inappropriate Reference Letter

Some embassies will usually ask for a reference letter, either from a bank or company.

The reference letter here must have a letterhead and clear address and contact details for the agency that created it.

Please remember that the company seal and signature must come from the authorities.

These are some of the reasons why visa applications are rejected and how to overcome them.

Make sure you avoid the things above so that the visa you apply for is accepted.

Originally posted on 2024-07-13 15:25:17.

That is a summary of interesting information in the news article entitled Important! Here are 5 reasons why visa applications are rejected, here's how to overcome them which has been a team of writers NOBARTV NEWS ( ) extracts from various trusted sources.

Laeli Nur Azizah

A freelance writer whose hobbies are traveling, cooking and drinking coffee.