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2024 CPNS SKB Grid: Main Material, Weight and Complete Guide

2024 CPNS SKB Grid and Score Weighting: The Most Complete Guide for Selection Participants

NOBARTV NEWS – Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) 2024 who successfully passed the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage are now preparing to face the Field Competency Selection (SKB). SKB is an important stage that assesses participants' knowledge and skills according to the position they are applying for. Based on information from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), applicants who meet the criteria will get the opportunity to take the SKB.

Requirements for Participating in SKB

Based on the Letter of the Acting Head of BKN Number 5419/B-KS.04.01/SD/K/2024, participants can proceed to the SKB stage if they are included in three times the number of formations needed and have met the threshold value for the formation applied for. This means that only applicants with the best ranking from the SKD results will be considered to take the SKB exam.

Details of SKB Grid Based on Position

Each position has different assessment grids and weights. Here are the details for several functional positions:

  1. First Expert Computer Technician:
    • CAT Test: Weight 75%.
    • Work Practices: Weight 25% (does not result in dropping), includes tasks such as creating applications, data management, and identifying information technology problems.
  2. Skilled Computer Technician:
    • CAT Test: Weight 75%.
    • Work Practices: Weight 25%, including IP Address sharing and data processing.
  3. Manggala Informatics First Expert:
    • CAT Test: Weight 75%.
    • Work Practices: Weight 25%, focus on handling information security incidents.
  4. First Expert Widyaiswara:
    • CAT Test: Weight 75%.
    • Work Practices: Weight 25%, through micro teaching for teaching ability evaluation.

For positions other than functional, participants will take a test using the CAT method with a weighting of 100%.

Additional Test Types in SKB

The SKB material also includes various types of additional relevant tests. Articles 33 and 34 of the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB Number 6 of 2024 state that for functional positions, the SKB material is prepared by the supervising agency and integrated into the BKN CAT question bank. The types of tests that can be added include psychological tests, academic potential tests, foreign language tests, mental health, and interviews.

SKB Passing Weight

The final passing of CPNS 2024 is determined through the integration of SKD (40%) and SKB (60%) scores. The weighting details for SKB depend on the location of the agency:

  1. Central Agency:
    • Using CAT BKN with a minimum weight of 50%.
    • You can add up to three additional types of tests with a cumulative weighting of no more than 50%, including interviews with a maximum weighting of 10%.
  2. Regional Agency:
    • Using CAT BKN with a minimum weight of 60%.
    • For positions that require special technical skills, agencies can add one additional type of test with a maximum weighting of 40%.

Scheduling and Announcement of Results

The process of integrating SKD and SKB scores will be carried out in December 2024, with the final results announced in January 2025. Participants are also given the opportunity to file objections or undergo a rebuttal period if they feel there are discrepancies in the results announced.


By understanding the grid and weight of the SKB value, prospective CPNS are expected to be able to prepare themselves better, and follow each stage with full confidence. Participants should also follow the latest developments and official information from BKN to increase their chances in this selection. Participants are expected to make the most of their preparation time in order to achieve optimal results in the upcoming selection.

That is a summary of interesting information in the news article entitled 2024 CPNS SKB Grid: Main Material, Weight and Complete Guide which has been a team of writers NOBARTV NEWS ( ) extracts from various trusted sources.