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This is the link to Zize's exciting video that makes netizens excited!

NOBARTV NEWS The news about the alleged affair involving Azizah Salsha or who is often called Zize, the wife of soccer player Pratama Arhan, with Salim Nauderer, the ex-boyfriend of celebrity Rachel Vennya, is currently in the public spotlight.

This issue has become increasingly heated with the circulation of an exciting video that allegedly resembles Azizah Salsha, which has now become a hot topic of conversation on social media.

An exciting video similar to Azizah Salsha is widely circulating

The video which allegedly resembles Azizah Salsha shows a woman who looks like her making a video call while lying on her back on a bed. In the video, the woman is seen pulling down the white t-shirt she was wearing, exposing her upper body. Various versions of this video are circulating with different durations, ranging from 14 seconds to 1 minute 14 seconds.

The existence of this video is increasingly spreading widely through various social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), Telegram, as well as online video storage sites such as Doodstream, Terabox, Mediafire, and The distribution of this video sparked unrest among the public and made the situation even more confusing.

Legal Action from Azizah Salsha

Responding to this disturbing news, Azizah Salsha, through her attorney, immediately took legal steps. On Wednesday (21/8), three of Azizah's attorneys, namely Isnaldi, Egamarthadinata, and M. Nur Ichsan, SH, reported a number of social media accounts to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. They consider that the distribution of this exciting video is a hoax and slander that is detrimental to their clients.

"We are emphatically saying that all the content conveyed by tweets or noises or other things which have been conveyed directly by Aziza in recent days, is slander and lies, fake news," said Ega, one of Azizah Salsha's attorneys.

The report submitted to Bareskrim Polri has received LP number: STTL/292/VIII/2024/BARESKRIM. In this report, several social media accounts are suspected of violating Article 45 Paragraph (4) Juncto Article 27A of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Republic of Indonesia Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) as well as Articles 310 and 311 Criminal Code.

Police Investigation

Responding to this report, the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya, through Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, stated that his party was still conducting an investigation. Commissioner Ade Safri revealed that this investigation was carried out to find out whether there was a criminal act related to the distribution of this exciting video.

"Investigators from the Cyber ​​Sub-Directorate of Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya are currently carrying out an investigation," said Ade Safri. It is hoped that this investigation will clearly reveal the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the distribution of this disturbing video.


That is a summary of interesting information in the news article entitled This is the link to Zize's exciting video that makes netizens excited! which has been a team of writers NOBARTV NEWS ( ) extracts from various trusted sources.

Siti Nur Azizah

a cute content writer